Friday, July 31, 2009
Entry #17: Piola Indulgence or "This might be the best profiterole I have ever tasted."
Yesterday I met with four of my favorite people for dinner at Piola in Rosslyn. Shannon and I got there first. We couldn't help but indulge in the happy hour while we waited for the other.
$3.00 Domestic Beer
$4.00 House Wines
$5.00 Sangria (white or red)
The white sangria was delicious, and it was followed by a most amazing pizza. I had the Bruxelles...a white pizza with lots of yummy goat cheese.
We followed our pizzas with a sampling of desserts. Katie enjoyed the profiteroles. They were perfect, and covered with a warm chocolate sauce. I still had room in my dessert stomach for more (there's always room for more dessert).
Our amazing dinner was followed by a walk around Rosslyn...and a near head-on collision.
Except for that little snafu, the night was a success!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Entry # 16: Fontina Grille...or "I can seriously get all of this food? Seriously?!"
Entry #36 dives into the love that all white people supposedly have for breakfast places. I can't speak for an entire population...but I can honestly speak for myself when I say that I LOVE BREAKFAST PLACES and very little is more exciting than finding a new breakfast place.
The other day, my mom and I met for lunch in Rockville, where we stumbled upon the Fontina Grille in Kings Farm. We weren't sure what to expect, but eager to try something different we wandered in.
The special of the day was a Sunday brunch that included a choice of french toast, omelet, or crepes, along with a fabulous buffet full of the usual breakfast meats, a salmon pizzette, chicken salad, and even a prime rib carving station.
All of this fabulous breakfast food for under $15.00 a person. And if there's one thing better than finding an amazing breakfast's finding an amazing deal.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Entry #15: Day in PA
I managed to buy a cheap ticket from a very generous lady waiting in line ahead of me, and into the park we went! The place was crowded, the sun was hot, and the lines were almost unbearable but that's Hershey Park in the summertime!
The first Roller coaster we tried was Fahrenheit. It featured a ninety degree drop which made it worth the two hour line and the sunburn that I got standing in it. I think the people behind us might have found their religion too...
We also explored the Storm Runner, Great Bear, the Kissing Tower and the Super Duper Looper.
We also did not go crazy at Chocolate World (the place where they give you a chocolaty factory tour and then drop you in an enormous chocolate shop).
The day ended and we enjoyed a scenic drive back to DC. I would say that short of taking off on a spontaneous trip to anywhere, an amusement park day trip was the perfect mini adventure.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Entry #14: Birthday in Georgetown Part 2

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Entry #13: Birthday in Georgetown or "Can we go to Quigley's?! Pleaaase?? I'm Hungry!"
Friday, July 17, 2009
Entry #12: Zoe Salon - Fairfax, or "In a few minutes you're going to be like a Pantene Girl"

Thursday, July 16, 2009
10 years goes by awfully fast...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Coming Soon
Monday, July 13, 2009
I allowed this article to distract me from work for a little reminds me of where I grew up.
The Crab Houses of Maryland’s Eastern Shore
Crab season in Maryland begins in April, the prizes being crabs that survived the previous summer and spent the winter marinating in the Chesapeake.
But I was surprised that there were any jumbo-size crabs left at Waterman’s that evening — a warm June Friday with the kind of sunburned, jolly crowd I remembered from many a childhood pilgrimage to the crab houses of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. A swarm of hungry feasters clustered around the tables jammed on the deck, arrivals from land and sea intent on attacking their personal shares of the seasonal bounty.
Guttural charges from powerboats headed in our direction suggested that more of the hungry were en route from the Chesapeake Bay, where the calm, wobbling eddies were flashing with the day’s last rays of sun just beyond where I sat. Several larger groups of diners grabbed bottles of cheap beer from aluminum buckets and fried seafood from red plastic baskets. Nearby, in what looked like a modified gazebo, a rock band began its sound check.
Waiting for the last train out of Clarendon...
Entry #11: Pseudonyms, Running in Heels and Major Improvisation or "Don't park in Clarendon unless you plan to stay there."
Yes, this little line (or the fact that I had to use said line) should have been a major indication that last night would be a complete and total cluster. The original plan was to attend a Bastille Day party at Darlington House. We attempted, instead, to go back to Clarendon Ballroom in an effort to dance to some music (DJ only).
The ballroom was closed for the evening for a private function. We didn't get dressed up for nothing, though, so we attempted Clarendon Grill. Again. We were met with a live band. We couldn't stomach the idea of repeating last weekend (however fun). So we left our chariot (Maxwell's Honda station wagon) in the FREE public garage in Clarendon.
We hopped on the Metro to Chinatown in order to pay a visit to Ultra Bar. The line was insane. Maxwell and I wandered to the front and struck up a conversation with one of their promoters. Perhaps it was our refreshing honesty, desperation, or maybe just our good looks (or good luck) but the gentleman gave us four names from his guest list to use in the VIP line. My name? Lizz Bautista.
We made it in, thoroughly explored each level and decided on the ground floor, where a DJ spun remixes of current popular songs and some favorites. We ran into some friends and danced the night away (and about 2 pounds)....all the while forgetting about our car parked in Clarendon.
The rest of the night went a bit like this:
2:00 - Max realizes the parking garage closes at 2:30.
2:01 - Dash out of Ultra Bar while bidding our friends farewell, and promising to correspond through Facebook.
2:10 - Catch the Orange Line back to Clarendon.
2:11 - Take a few pictures for posterity.
2:28 - Still on the train.
2:45 - Train still.
3:00 - Get off the train. Run after Max as he attempts to save his car from the jaws of the FREE parking garage.
3:01 - "It's completely locked"
3:01 - "Lie to me again."
3:05 - Running back to the metro to catch the last train.
3:06 - Last train won't be here for 20 minutes.
3:20 - Board the train.
3:23 - Frantically call anyone who might be awake.
3:26 - Avoid conversing with crack head.
3:50 - Make contact with Reed (A.K.A. Frat brother of Maxwell/Knight in Shining Armor)
4:10 - Reed collects us from Vienna in his boxers.
4:20 -"Haha it's 4:20!"
4:30 - Reed safely delivers us to to Maxwell's on-campus apartment.
4:45 - Clear a path on Max's floor for Katie and I to attempt sleep.
4:46 - Sleep came easier than I thought it would.
Later this morning.
Shannon and Courtney took us back to Katie's to collect our cars, after which point we separated. Katie and I collected an extra house key from Tiffany and successfully made it back.
Then after a rather large breakfast at the local Bob Evan's...we managed to make it back in time to recover before what would become an epic shopping trip.
So there are a few things you can do to learn from my mistakes last night:
1) Nothing is free - not even a FREE parking garage.
2) It helps to have a lot of friends who live in the same place. (Man, I love college)
3) Don't leave your keys in your car.
5) Actually, just take the Metro.
4) Clarendon Grill evidently never has a DJ.
Friday, July 10, 2009
As my grandmother might say, "This could be worth something someday!"

Yes, pick up YOUR copy of the latest issue of the Washington City Paper...before it gets pulled off of the might be worth something someday.
Weekend Reading

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Entry # 10: A cupcake adventure in Georgetown or "Don't worry about my wife, I feel sorry for yo husssband"
Monday, July 6, 2009
A Happy Monday me ;)
Entry #9: Manoli Canoli - Chevy Chase